
Taffy was a Welshman
Doedd o ddim a thief (wrth gwrs)
Daeth o i fy nhŷ
and brought a joint of beef (ella horse)

Es i i’w dŷ
No answer to the bell (There was nobody in)
So I took back to Lerpwl
Yr holl dŵr from his well (Cofiwch Dryweryn)

Es i nol achlysur arall
and stole all his coal (little left to burn)
Now he has nothing
ond tân yn ei fol (but not in ei ffwrn)

Something bad to tell you
rhywbeth trist i fi (parata dy ffidil)
Dwedodd fy nghariad
ei bod hi’n hoffi tân Taffy (the one in his middle)

Mae hi wedi mynd i fyw i
gymru efo’r cont, you see (Dw i’n crio rŵan)
a rŵan clywais i ei bod
yn disgwyl eu babi (and will call him Iwan)